Mastering the Chaos: Systems for growth in Busy seasons
Hey! I’m so glad you’re here. I’m Lindsey, Christian Life Coach, small business owner, wife, mother, follower of Christ, and most recently, blog writer! Phew, that was a mouthful. But we all tend to wear so many hats, don’t we? I could have gone even further and said chef, house cleaner, chauffeur, friend, employee… The list can go on and on! While we are so blessed to have these things, to have beautiful reasons to do what we do, oftentimes wearing all these different hats can be mentally and physically exhausting. Does this sound true to your life?
So how do we do it? How do we wear these hats at various times (sometimes wearing multiple at once) but keep our cup filled at the same time? I’m living proof that it’s not easy! Even if you take one hat away, say house cleaner. If I had the means to hire a house cleaner and take that task away from my list of duties, I still have SO many other hats that eliminating that one thing wasn’t very significant. And it’s probably not possible for you to eliminate multiple hats. If it is, that’s amazing! Tell me your secret! But more than likely, that isn’t realistic for you. So, the question is…What can I do to help alleviate some of the stress of doing it all?
Like I said, eliminating something may not be very helpful, no matter how AMAZING a house cleaner sounds! But what if we looked at this from a different angle. Our brains tend to go to “What can I NOT DO today to get a little relief?”. Instead, let’s ask this question, “What do I need to ADD into my life to get a little relief?”. Sounds crazy, right?! Stick with me, I promise I’m onto something here!
While all of these hats are important in various ways (yes, even the dreadful house cleaning), sometimes removing something from our to-do list can only cause more stress for the next day. It doesn’t go away completely, it’s still going to be there tomorrow. So what can we add into our lives to change this, you ask? Are you ready? A breakthrough is coming!!
Yay! Party time, we have the answer now!! Ha- I’m sorry to build it up like that just to let you down. But trust me when I say, if you are struggling to wear all these hats and are feeling exhausted and drained, then girl something has to change! And with change comes new habits, new tools, new skills to utilize in your daily living. That’s what it means to build systems. New systems that organize all of our fancy hats. ;)
I’ve probably already lost a few readers by now, so if you are still here, thank you for having some faith in me and this idea! But that’s the thing, it’s not just an idea…It’s a game changer. It’s progress. It’s growth. Now that sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But we can’t see progress or growth if we don’t step back to see the full picture here. We need to look at all these hats that we have so thankfully acquired and prioritize them. This is not an easy thing to do; change is so hard and oftentimes stops people from moving towards growth because of the uncomfortable feeling it gives us.
If this resonates with you on some level, if you feel God pushing you towards change but you’ve ignored it, if you are at a point in your life where you just cannot do it anymore… Step into that.
For me, my system is the Three P’s: Praying, Planning, Preparing. Yours may look different than mine, and that’s okay! We don’t all function and cope the same, so give yourself grace when trying to make changes in your life. It’s going to take a lot of work, trial and error even. But without trying, how do you know if the grass is greener on the other side? The Lord put you in this busy season for a reason, and that reason probably wasn’t for you to feel drained and exhausted. Find the blessings in this season and don’t ever let go of them!
God has you planted here for purpose. Find that purpose, seek growth, and watch how He adds peace into your life.